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Modulating Draft Control
The Redundancy Controller is used when an option to operate a redundant mechanical draft system is required. It allows the safeties to be bypassed in case of an EBC 30/31/35 failure.
The Redundancy Controller is used when an option to operate a redundant mechanical draft system is required. It allows the safeties to be bypassed in case […]
A sophisticated multi-use draft and pressure controller with integrated webserver and remote access used with fans and dampers to monitor and maintain a constant pressure in […]
A sophisticated multi-use draft and pressure controller and CO-monitor with integrated webserver and remote access used with fans and dampers to monitor and maintain a constant […]
A full featured, industrial-type motor controller for indoor/outdoor use (NEMA 4X) programmed specifically to control and adjust the speed of ENERVEX fans and ventilators using Electronically […]
A modulating pressure control that provides superior pressure control in single- or multi-story building applications such as clothes dryers, bathrooms and kitchens.
A fixed set-point differential pressure switch that protects your heating appliances against insufficient draft and unsafe draft conditions during a mechanical or electrical failure.
B. J. Muirhead Co., Inc. is pleased to host the upcoming Cleaver-Brooks Boiler Systems PLUS Seminar. This course is designed for boiler operators, maintenance personnel, and front-line supervisory personnel. The overall objective of this course is to make the attendee more knowledgeable about what a boiler is, how it operates, and what ancillary equipment is required to support its operation. Additionally, the program stresses safety and the proper operating practices and maintenance required to maximize an efficient, safe, and reliable operation of the equipment.