Cannon has full capabilities to design, build, rebuild, or repair your heat exchanger. We are experts in our ability to solve customers’ problems through innovative design […]
A unique economizer designed to recover your exhaust stack energy and save you thousands of dollars each year. Cannon Feedwater Heaters pay for themselves by reducing […]
Cannon economizers are custom designed for optimal heat recovery and service life for your unique application. Cannon will design your economizer for gas, oil, coal, wood, […]
On-Demand operation, only when your system needs hot water ROI may be less than 1 year – installed! Invisible to boiler system Easily inspected and repaired […]
Economizers have been proven money saving concepts for nearly 100 years. Now we can extend the efficiency of the traditional rugged Feedwater Heater style economizer, with […]
A steam accumulator is a smart method to reduce severe boiler loading and cycling, when short-duration, high flow steam is required. An accumulator can reduce the […]
High-efficiency boiler heat recovery equipment, allowing existing and new boilers to benefit from this patented latent heat and water recovery technology, with 95% boiler system efficiency […]
The vent condenser is a plume abatement device that provides a visual improvement and reduces water/ice or corrosion near the steam vent. Vented steam is directed […]
Wide product range of 3,500 #/hr to 2,000,000 #/hr and higher Can handle severe load swings, varying inlet water temperatures and changing operating pressures while maintaining […]
Steam, temperatures to 1,050°F 10,000 to 500,000 lb/hr Natural gas, #2 and #6 oil, alternative fuels, combination Design pressure up to 1,500 psig Available to less […]
Vertical Tubeless design for reliability and longevity Compact footprint with side-mounted burner Large steam space Up to 50 HP Natural gas, propane 15 or 150 psig […]
B. J. Muirhead Co., Inc. is pleased to host the upcoming Cleaver-Brooks Boiler Systems PLUS Seminar. This course is designed for boiler operators, maintenance personnel, and front-line supervisory personnel. The overall objective of this course is to make the attendee more knowledgeable about what a boiler is, how it operates, and what ancillary equipment is required to support its operation. Additionally, the program stresses safety and the proper operating practices and maintenance required to maximize an efficient, safe, and reliable operation of the equipment.