Maxi-Therm offers a wide range of different steam water heaters based on your requirements, design and application. To save cost and energy the MCU model is a […]
High-quality design and construction Complete package with only four piping connections High-capacity output ANTICIPATOR® temperature control regulates hot water outlet temperatures ±4F Copper-nickel shell, naval brass […]
Natural Gas Fired 800 and 1000 MBTU Input 128 Gallon Storage Instantaneous condensing hot water heater with HLW stamp Duplex alloy stainless steel storage tank
Size Range: 300-1050 MBTU Entire package fits in the boiler footprint Domestic water loop is isolated from the boiler loop Precise temperature regulation with no mixing […]
Sizes: 500,000 to 1,999,000 BTUH 87% efficiency. Cat IV venting required Brass headers with copper finned tube heat exchanger. Cupro-nickel tubes available as options Modulating gas […]
Sizes: 926,000 to 1,758,000 BTUH Brass Headers With Finned Copper Tube Heat Exchanger Outdoor Only Stainless Steel Burners Spark-to-Pilot Ignition Available for Natural Gas or Propane.
Size Range: 300-1000 MBTU Versa IC Intelligence with Raymote access optional Cascade up to 8 heaters Modbus RTU BMS port Stainless Steel Watertube heat exchanger
Sizes: 999,000 to 1,999,000 BTUH Up to 96% efficiency. Condensing, Cat IV venting required Brass headers and pumps with copper pumps with copper finned tube primary […]
B. J. Muirhead Co., Inc. is pleased to host the upcoming Cleaver-Brooks Boiler Systems PLUS Seminar. This course is designed for boiler operators, maintenance personnel, and front-line supervisory personnel. The overall objective of this course is to make the attendee more knowledgeable about what a boiler is, how it operates, and what ancillary equipment is required to support its operation. Additionally, the program stresses safety and the proper operating practices and maintenance required to maximize an efficient, safe, and reliable operation of the equipment.